Saturday, 15 October 2011

The week of strange weather

Hello there.

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Last week I was elected as one of the class reps for my course which means I basically have to do my best to resolve any issues people in my class are having. I also have to attend monthly course board meetings. These are basically meetings where all the lecturers of a particular course, Electronic Engineering in my case, meet once a month and discuss how the course is going and any issues that have come up, the curriculum and ways to improve the course. The reason that me and the other reps in my course have to attend these meetings is because it is the perfect forum for us to raise any issues that keep arising from year to year and try to help find a solution, it also allows us to speak our minds about the teaching styles and ways to improve them if necessary. One of the hardest parts of the meetings is staying awake, I'm sure anyone reading this knows that at board meetings there is always one exceptionally boring person. We are also the go between from the students union to our individual classes. We meet twice a month with the Students union president and discuss upcoming events and issues that classes are having that he can help with. A lot of people think and are mostly right that a class reps main responsibility is to organise class parties. These are a great way for everyone to relax and get absolutely locked on a night out haha.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Freshers Fortnight

Thought since college has finally settled down and I am getting into some kind of a routine I would write a little something. These past two weeks have been a bit all over the place. For one I only just got over the flu I had for two weeks on Thursday. But sure that is life, what can you do.

I have finally started back to college two Mondays ago :-) So glad to be back. It was a waste of a day though, I was in GMIT at 9 o'clock in the morning because they hadn't sent any kind of timetable or information about where or when we had to go to and because we are all brilliant students :P Anyway I went down to the Electronics corridor to find out the timetable and it turns out I didn't bloody need to be in until two o'clock that Afternoon for my Spanish class.