Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Awesome Humans The 5th

So, I just took a look at the last time I updated my blog and realised it has been nearly a month o_O Where has all that time gone. It feels like only a week since I posted. I guess I'm still adjusting to my new and crazy schedule, but I will get it sorted. I have basically spent the last month working, sleeping and cooking. I am really enjoying it, especially the cooking part. I have turned into a total foodie :)

But since this is a post about awesome humans and not my horrible time keeping ability I would like to talk about an amazing 9 year old girl who is writing a book to help feed African children. It is called never seconds: The Incredible Story of Martha Payne. Every copy of this wonderful book sold will buy 25 school meals for kids in Milawi through Mary's Meals charity.You can visit her blog called never seconds here and I highly reccommend you do, it is amazing. It is about the state of the school lunches in her school. I have only read a few of her posts as I only discovered her today, but it only takes a little bit of investigating to realise that this girl is a major reason why humans are awesome. You'd swear when reading that she was much older than 9, just by the way she writes, it's fantastic. The book hits the shelves on the 15th of November but you can pre-order it here. This is definitely going on my list of things to buy when I get my visa debit card. Should arrive any day now. Oh, and she goes by the name Veg which stands for Veritas Ex Gustu, which when translated from Latin means truth from tasting, which is awesome.

I know it is rather short, but I think I get the point across that this little person is an awesome human being and we can definitely all learn something from her. I think she is going to do great things as she grows up and I hope she never gives up and does what she believes in. What do you guys think, am I right in saying this is a valid reason for Awesome Humans? Let me know what you think in the comments below :)

If anyone has any stories that show some truely awesome humans I would really like to hear about them. Every time I read another story about an awesome human event that is being run it makes me want to change who I am and do more for my fellow humans and pay it forward :)

Stardansheill o7