However, that isn't going to stop me living everyday as if it is my last. As part of my new years resolutions, I am going to do one thing every week that I would not have done before. And everyday I am going to do my best to put a smile on the face of someone that I care about. Even if all that takes is just texting them something funny.
My resolutions for the year
- Do something that I would probably never have considered before once a week.
- Make someone smile everyday.
- Take part in project 365. (I Need to buy a camera lol)
- Get fitter and by the end of the year have run at least a 5k if not a 10k or both. (Obviously a few of them, not just one.)
- Become more active in general and read as much as I used to, rather than just watching stuff on the internet when I amn't doing anything.
- Study more and don't wast the money I spent on college. Especially with exams in a few days.
- Get a better job.
- Raise money for charity by doing different things.
- Save more money.
- Make progress on getting my drivers license.
Project 365
For those who do not know what project 365 is, it is a project (obviously) where the person takes a picture everyday for the year and uploads them to their blog or a site designed for photo uploads like flicker or photobucket.
Why do it you may ask?
Taking a picture everyday is actually a big task to undertake, but the rewards at the end of it are worth it. (I often have difficulty remembering what I had for breakfast some days let a lone what I did on a certain day.)
- Imagine being able to look back at any day of the year and remember what you did that day, who you met, what you learned...
- Your year-long photo album will be an amazing way to document your travels and accomplishments, your haircuts and relationships. It's a great way to slow down time as it moves surprisingly fast.
- Taking a photo everyday will make you a better photographer. Using your camera everyday will help you learn it's limits. You will get better at composing your shots, you will start to care about lighting, and you'll become more creative with your photography when you're forced to come up with something new every single day.
You can use your blog to tell a story about your year by writing a small piece to go along with every photo you upload. This will help you remember that day and the memories that come with it (good or bad)
I have started this project on numerous occasions, but have never actually completed it. It is quite difficult to get used to taking my camera with me everywhere and sometimes I can be a perfectionist so I never got into the habit of just taking a picture and being happy with it.
Running in 5k's and other such things!
I realise that there are people out there thinking that only being able to run a 5k by the end of the year isn't great as there are people who run 5k normally without a problem. It's a new experience for me as I was not a very fit child or teenager and I never really ran all that much so I have to get fitter and become a better runner before even attempting the 5k. I also did a lot of damage to my right knee when I was a teenager and it has never been the same. So I don't want to push it too hard by pushing myself way over my limits to get to my goal faster. I would hate to do permanent damage. And not to mention the fact that it always rains in Ireland, so I am going to have to get used to running in the rain first. My plan is to get fitter over the next couple of months and do a few 5k's and things like them during the summer, but by this time next year I want to have run at least one complete 5k and taken part in a 10k or even a half marathon.
Raising money for charity.
I think this is pretty self explanatory. I want to raise as much money for charity as I can this year, this ties in with me running resolution because I plan to run the charitable 5k's and other things. Raising or giving money to charity is something that I highly believe in. There are loads of charities out there that are excellent and always need support and if they didn't get donations from people they would not be able to do what they do and that would be devastating. All charities are excellent, but I in particular firmly support charities like best buddies that work with people with special needs, all cancer charities and charities that help the homeless because of certain people in my life that I care greatly about.
Will I actually stick to my resolutions did year?
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has read this blog and welcome everyone to it and hope you enjoy it and return to see if I have posted something new. As always, I take all criticism on board and would appreciate being told anything I can do to improve my blog and writing. Please leave a comment below and let me know :)
And of course
Stardansheill o7
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