So I have completed 10 new things to do each week this year. Only 42 to go, woo. Man, that's a lot of weeks left. I don't think I'll be able to think of 42 more things to do.

To be honest, I made this resolution and didn't think I would last this long, thought I would do one or two weeks and give up. I can't remember any year where I have managed to stick to a new years resolution. I usually last until the end of January and give up. I always used to make the same resolutions and end up putting them off until the following year. That picture is just one I found on the internet, not actually my resolutions. Just a bit of emphasis. As they say, a picture paints a thousand words. I firmly believe that having a set deadline for my resolution idea has really helped me stick to doing it. Also writing these entries and having my friends help me really has helped.
So, my advice to anyone having difficulty keeping their New years resolutions is:
- Have a friend doing the same kind of resolution do it with you and encourage each other to keep it up.
- Break it up into easily managed goals and set yourself a reasonable deadline for these goals. It really helps and I hope it helps someone who reads this.

Anywho, for week 10 I completed a Golden Week in College. Nearly 2 years in college and I have never managed this :/ For those people out there who are unaware as to what exactly a golden week is. It's basically a term used by Irish students. Refers to a week where you manage to make it to every lecture, on time. No skiving off. Seems simple enough ya? Would expect that to be what happens anyway. Well, it doesn't... There is usually one or two lectures one might find that attendance isn't mandatory and the lecturer puts the notes up online and therefore takes it upon oneself to not bother attending. Especially 9am lectures. In second year of my course there aren't really all that many mandatory lectures, so a lot of people skip a lot of them.