Thursday, 22 March 2012


Well since we are a fair bit into the lenten season I thought I would write something about it. I for one am not a religious person in any way at all. I haven't been for a long time. I have no problem with other peoples beliefs though. But I also do not believe in giving up something for 40 days just because Jesus Christ went into the desert for 40 days with nothing. But I do give something up every year because I was raised a God fearing Catholic and took part in Lent every year until I gave up religion. 
I give something up every year to see if I can do it. I do it for myself and no one else. This year I gave up all sweets, chocolate and crisps. I was going really well and hadn't broken it, that was until Paddy's weekend came along. Not only did I break it, I destroyed it. Since Mothers day was the day after Paddy's day, there was cake and chocolate everywhere. Since I didn't manage to last 40 days, I have decided to see how ling exactly I can go without eating any sweets, crisps or chocolate. I have set myself 20 day intervals to make it shorter and hopefully easier to manage. I wonder how long I can last? Anybody care to hazard a guess. I think this will be rather interesting. Do you guys think Easter Sunday counts when i get an Easter egg, or would that be breaking it?

I may put a post up here from time to time to say how I am getting on and how difficult, or easy it is. I know it will be hard at the start, but hopefully it will get easier as time goes on.

More than likely I will be posting updates on my Facebook and Twitter. Go like and follow me on those if you want to. 

Stardansheill o7

Monday, 19 March 2012

New Things Week 10

So I have completed 10 new things to do each week this year. Only 42 to go, woo. Man, that's a lot of weeks left. I don't think I'll be able to think of 42 more things to do.

To be honest, I made this resolution and didn't think I would last this long, thought I would do one or two weeks and give up. I can't remember any year where I have managed to stick to a new years resolution. I usually last until the end of January and give up. I always used to make the same resolutions and end up putting them off until the following year. That picture is just one I found on the internet, not actually my resolutions. Just a bit of emphasis. As they say, a picture paints a thousand words. I firmly believe that having a set deadline for my resolution idea has really helped me stick to doing it. Also writing these entries and having my friends help me really has helped.

So, my advice to anyone having difficulty keeping their New years resolutions is:

  • Have a friend doing the same kind of resolution do it with you and encourage each other to keep it up. 
  • Break it up into easily managed goals and set yourself a reasonable deadline for these goals. It really helps and I hope it helps someone who reads this. 

Anywho, for week 10 I completed a Golden Week in College. Nearly 2 years in college and I have never managed this :/ For those people out there who are unaware as to what exactly a golden week is. It's basically a term used by Irish students. Refers to a week where you manage to make it to every lecture, on time. No skiving off. Seems simple enough ya? Would expect that to be what happens anyway. Well, it doesn't... There is usually one or two lectures one might find that attendance isn't mandatory and the lecturer puts the notes up online and therefore takes it upon oneself to not bother attending. Especially 9am lectures. In second year of my course there aren't really all that many mandatory lectures, so a lot of people skip a lot of them.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

New Things Week 8

Sorry for the long delay on this entry, there were a few technical hiccups over the last couple of weeks. So for week 8 I managed to combine two of my New Years Resolutions by doing something new and raising money for charity. I hope to do this a lot more during the year.  I took part in Shave or Dye in the college. It was an interesting one to do.

New Things for Week 9

So this week was a tough week to come up with something to do. I decided that since I have never made it in for a nine o'clock morning class after a night out that I would go out and now matter how tired/hungover I was the next morning, I would get out of bed and be in at nine am lol. I realise that this is kind of crapy, but it is something new that I have never done before and I learned from it :)

So on Monday I went down to Bodkins Library Bar as they were having IT factor and raising money for the make a wish foundation. The IT factor is basically like xfactor. A few people I knew were participating so I was also supporting them. It was a brilliant night and all the acts were fantastic. It was a really close contest and the acts that got through to the National Final on Tuesday really deserved it. I was home by 1 am, but was exhausted and new it was going to be a tough morning ahead.

I woke up when my alarm went off at 8 o'clock and the only thing I wanted to do was go back to sleep, because I felt like I wasn't even going to be able to move if I tried. But I persisted and dragged myself out of bed and got the bus at 8.45 and was sitting in my lecture at 9 am. Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened in the lecture as my brain was still at home in my bed. But after that class I started to wake up and by the afternoon I actually didn't even feel that hungover. So maybe I have figured out how to cure my hangovers and don't have to worry about them anymore.

Stardansheill o7