So, my advice to anyone having difficulty keeping their New years resolutions is:
- Have a friend doing the same kind of resolution do it with you and encourage each other to keep it up.
- Break it up into easily managed goals and set yourself a reasonable deadline for these goals. It really helps and I hope it helps someone who reads this.
So the week began pretty easy, with Monday and Tuesday being pretty simple. Monday was 9 to 5 with an hour off and Tuesday was 9 to 3 with no break. Then Wednesday came a long. It's 9 to 6 with a 3 hour gap in the middle. So hard to not be tempted to go home at 1 and not bother coming back in at 4 for the last 2 hour class. Now, if I saw someone like him chasing me with a spear every time I was tempted to go home or skip class, I would always have golden weeks lol. After such a long day in college, I don't get home until after 7 and then I am out the door again to be up to Civil Defence training at 8. Which I enjoy doing so I am quite happy to do the quick turn around. That ends at 10 o'clock and then I can go to bed :D
But then that evil alarm clock goes off again at 7:30 am to wake me up to go to college for 9. My first thoughts on Thursday morning are always, bed so comfortable, alarm clock evil, college so far away and more sleep needed. I managed to drag myself out of bed and make it to my lecture at 9. Thursday is another 9 to 6 with 2 hours off from 11 until 1. Was exceptionally difficult to stay awake in my 9am lecture. The room was really warm and I just wanted to lie on my hoodie and sleep until my next lecture. But I managed to stay awake and take notes. My next lecture was a bit easier and then I had my 2 hour break to contend with. At 11 am, I could still hear my bed calling me home to sleep and not bother going back for class. But I ignored it and just hung around the common room with friends until my 1 o'clock lab. That lab was 3 hours long, and was my project class so it was grand, I really enjoy that class and building my Audio Sweep Oscillator. I don't have college on Fridays so when 4 o'clock came along I only had one more 2 hour lecture left until I successfully completed my first ever golden week. I had a headache after my lab because I had left my glasses at home and was working with very small components and needed to strain my eyes to see properly and not make any mistakes. It would have been so easy to just go home and not bother with the lecture, but then I would have failed on my new years resolution. I got some water and went to class. It wasn't too bad, headache slowly went away and the lecturer let us out at 5:15 and I was home by 6 :)
So all in all, it wasn't a bad week :) Next weeks new thing is going to be hard, in my opinion. Here's hoping I don't mess it up and fail.
If anyone out there has any suggestions as to new things for me to try I will look at them and probably try them. I am always looking for new and interesting things to do.
Also appreciate any comments people want to leave. All criticism is welcomed :)
- Follow my Twitter page to see when I post my blogs and what I'm tweeting about and how I am getting on during the weeks with my relevant new thing.
- Like my page on Facebook to see what pages I like and how I'm getting on during the weeks with my relevant new thing.
Stardansheill o7
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