So I decided to make a slight adjustment to my music segment. Well first of all I actually have to start writing it again, but anyway instead of just writing about the song of the day I am going to talk about new songs that I find and think should be shared with the world. They might often be songs that will already be pretty popular but oh well, sometimes there are people out there that just somehow manage to miss these new videos and songs that get posted online and don't get much radio time or publicity. I know I have missed quite a lot of them.
This song is called professional griefers and is a song by Deadmau5 with vocals from Gerard Way (Lead singer for my chemical romance.) It was released in August of 2012. No idea how it took me so long to discover it. I used to be a huge MCR fan and still listen to their stuff and follow what is going on with them, but somehow I missed the release of this song. Video below, ENJOY!
I didn't actually think I would like this song, I really like dubstep but I have never really been a fan of Deadmau5. I personally thought he wass all hype and had some good songs but got kind of lazy when he took off. But then he went and released this masterpiece. He released it as instrumental in February 2011 as a work in progress and it took well over a year to release it fully. The instrumental was featured in the official launch of minecraft. He was asked why it was taking so long to release and he just said that he was going to do something big with it. Deadmau5 is such a tease. In December 2011 he started playing a version with vocals via a live web stream and fans were able to figure out that it was Gerard way, once again he was just being a tease. Finally almost a year later it was released through beatport and itunes. I don't know whether Deadmau5 wrote the lyrics or if Way did, but it is such a party song. I think it's going to be my wake up song for the next while, something about it just gets me pumped up.
The video above is the most expensive electronic dance music video of all time. It features 2000 fans. That's a hell of a lot of people and a serious record that will be difficult to beat.
Well that's was the first piece of music for 2013, thoughts, comments, random spurts of gibberish?
This song sounds really great. I enjoyed it very much.