Monday, 8 July 2013

Awesome Humans part 7. One that is rather close to home.

It appears I haven't written about those humans out there that inspire me to be a better person and those who are just plain awesome. Well this particular human is both those things. His name is Aidan Breen (<<< Link to his twitter handle) and I actually grew up with him, but we seem to have lost touch lately. Note to self, correct that. Sorry, where was I? Oh yes. Well Aidan is a local singer song writer from our lovely little village of Oranmore and he has decided for some insane reason to attempt to play 32 gigs in 32 Counties in 32 days. For as long as I can remember he has been playing music and is a great singer and musician. He is part of a band known as Cotton Ball Three. But Aidan is doing this challenge all on his own. He has already done 8 Counties but has a lot more to go and I wish him the best of luck to it.

He did a Radio interview today and is looking for all the support he can get. So now for the real reason I am writing this article. Aidan is a brilliant musician and I would really love to see him succeed in this challenge. He just decided one day after exams that he was going to do this challenge. He just wanted to take a summer after college to do what he loves before he has to get down to being an adult and get a job. So I am appealing to all the people who read this blog that may know someone that owns or manages a pub in Ireland to please try and help him out. For anyone interested in his music here is a video he made of one of his original songs. You can find his Youtube page here. Here's to Aidan on the rest of his journey :)

Stardansheill o7

1 comment:

  1. Launna7/08/2013

    That is awesome how you are attempting to help your friend out... I hope he is able to succeed with his challenge :)
