I have been trying to do this swim for years but something has always gotten in the way. My fathers family live in Donegal so for the last few years we have been spending Christmas up there so sadly I was away on Christmas day and couldn't take part. But this year I can :) Cope do some amazing work and help a lot of people. Everyone deserves to be happy and have a good life but unfortunately that isn't the case and that really makes me sad. I would love to be able to help everyone who needs it but unfortunately like everyone else there is only so much that I can do. But with the help of fundraisers Cope can help more people than I can and they will be able to make a lot of people very happy at Christmas and for years to come. Now I know a lot of people are probably saying why the hell am I writing this and what is the point?
Well the answer is I am writing this to make people aware of what is happening and to inform people about Cope and their Service. And to ask people if they could sponsor me to do this swim, I have been collecting money from friends and family for the last few weeks but someone told me about the website idonate and that I could use that to try and raise more money so I created a page. Now I know a lot of people get annoyed when people come asking them to sponsor them for things. But I believe that this a very worthy cause and I would really appreciate anything that you people could do to help me help out this wonderful charity. You can find my page here ---> idonate.ie/pacman656. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who reads this and tell you that you are all awesome people :)
Stardansheill o7
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