Sunday 2 October 2011

Freshers Fortnight

Thought since college has finally settled down and I am getting into some kind of a routine I would write a little something. These past two weeks have been a bit all over the place. For one I only just got over the flu I had for two weeks on Thursday. But sure that is life, what can you do.

I have finally started back to college two Mondays ago :-) So glad to be back. It was a waste of a day though, I was in GMIT at 9 o'clock in the morning because they hadn't sent any kind of timetable or information about where or when we had to go to and because we are all brilliant students :P Anyway I went down to the Electronics corridor to find out the timetable and it turns out I didn't bloody need to be in until two o'clock that Afternoon for my Spanish class.

I knew that if I went home after reading the timetable there was no way in hell I was going to come back for two. So I just went and hung out with Kat and Gooney until Kat had to go to class. Gooney, Creggers and I went wandering around the college when Kat went to class, got our lockers and passwords for logging into the computers. Spent the rest of the day just hanging around with people and having an awesome time. Some of the best craic to be had in college happens when you are just hanging with your friends :) But the downside to that was I ended up skipping my two lectures because I was having a laugh with people and didn't want to leave. Besides it was only the first day so they were all induction classes. (I do not condone skipping lectures, an education is the best thing a person can get for themselves.)

We went to Octopussy in Carbon that night for their back to school party. It was a school uniform themed event and I thought it was great craic all together. The music was class, the banter was brilliant and of course drink was had. Only thing was it was pretty empty and pretty much a sausage fest lol. Ended up going back to Kat and Gooneys house with the rest of their housemates and staying up with Al and drinking shots of Mickey Finns and we kept going until we ended finishing a bottle. We were just chatting away, having the craic and doing shots and then all of a sudden the bottle was empty, oh well. I stayed in their house that night and the couch was actually quite comfortable. Definitely one of the most comfortable couches I have slept on lol. I had the best of intentions of going to college the next dat, but I woke up my phone was dead and I missed my 2 hour analog devices lecture so had to hang around again for 3 hours until my Spanish class which I was determined to go to because I didn't want to get into the bad habit of skipping lectures and my lecturers wondering who the f***k I am. When eventually the time came for the Spanish class I found out that because I had done Spanish for the leaving cert I had already learned all we were going to be learning because it is only a foundation Spanish class to give us a basic understanding of Spanish. At least I am going to do well in at least one class this year :-P

Thankfully my nine o'clock lab on Wednesday morning was cancelled because we haven't covered anything yet this week to do a lab on, so I got to sleep in for an extra 2 hours. Wednesday was another pretty horrific day for going to class. I went into maths and programming, but they were kind of a waste of time. We were only in for a while and didn't really cover anything. Had to wait around for 3 hours between maths and programming, so I just went down to the common room to chill out and just pass the time. So last year the common room was done up and they put in a juke box and four pool tables. They are pretty handy and can be fun to pass the time with, but you have to pay for them so they kind of lost their novelty after a few weeks. Some people still played on them and they got a lot of use, but most couldn't really afford to pay for the tables. And when you are playing you can't just play one game, you end up playing a lot and spending a lot of money. But this year the students union bought a fuseball table, an air hockey table and a table tennis table. All these are free to use, so when you have a long break you can just chill out on the comfortable couches, or you can have a game of hockey, fuse ball or table tennis. The air hockey gets kind of aggressive though. I was playing it with Judge and it was grand at the start, just a lot of back and forth, but then we got competitive and started using more force and ended up knocking the puc off the table and hitting each other with it by accident. It was actually really funny and great craic, but I can see it leading to a fight. Which would also be great craic to see.

A few friends and I went out on Wednesday night to a gig my friend Aidan was playing with his band mate Fran. Their band is called Cotten Ball Three. They are two lads from Galway who go to NUIG together and won the NUIG got talent and have been going from their. They played a lot of gigs in McSwiggins last year towards the summer. Currently they are playing weekly gigs in the Galway pub called the Merry Fiddler. They play covers, and have a lot of their own songs that both have written separately and together. They also do a lot of Parodies. They have uploaded one of their original songs and a parody to Soundcloud and are working on uploading more. They are also on facebook at this link They are brilliant band. Go check them out and let them know what you think. We just listened to them play brilliantly, while having a few pints and having a bit of banter with the other people at the gig. It was an unreal night.

Let's just say college in the morning was a hard one to do, so I did what any smart person would do and went back to sleep and skipped my first Lecture. The rest of the day was pure torture, haven't been so hungover in a long time. I think I'm getting too old for this going out 3 or four times a week and going to college lark :P Was supposed to be meeting a friend in the college and totally forgot I had a lecture at that time so I ended up missing that one too, but sure it was only the first one so it's not like we were really going to be doing much work anyway. It was a three hour lecture and as it turns out I was right about doing no work. This year GMIT decided to switch all the computers from running Windows XP to running Windows 7, don't ask me why. I don't know what they were thinking. But anyway as predicted, it being 7 the CAD software we were going to be using to design our printed circuit boards wouldn't work on Windows 7 so no work could be done until this was resolved. I then had a two hour computer engineering lecture to look forward to. It was the most pain stakingly boring lecture ever. I'm sure the work we will be doing and learning will be good, but I was so tired and hungover that I couldn't concentrate. Basically this class will be the practical use of C programming on hardware. Basically using it to program clocks to time the lighting of leds and stuff like that. I know that I am going to like it because I love that stuff (Giant Nerd) but I wont be any use hungover.

All lectures were canceled on Friday cause they are all labs so I slept the day away. Probably not the best idea. I was working on Saturday in Bundoran Co. Donegal. Had to get up at 4 am to get my lift there at 4.45. We had to be in Bundoran at 7 to start work. I should probably give a bit of back story here so as people know what the hell I'm talking about. I work for a company called, which sends it's staff all around the country to shops to count their stock for them. Apparently shops don't do it themselves anymore. But anyway, I've been working their since the end of August 2010 and it's a pretty tedious and horrible job as one would imagine. Early starts, long hours, minimum wage and counting all day long. No don't get me wrong I know that there are a lot of people who currently cannot get work at all and I am really appreciative of the days that I get with stocktaking, it's just that it gets to you sometimes. All the people I work with are awesome and you really get to know people when you are in a car for hours on end and working all day with them.

I was home from work at about 6 oclock and I thought it would be a great idea to go out again that night. And at the time it was, it wasn't until the next morning that I looked back and thought, why the hell did I do that. I got very very drunk, woke up in a friends house with my phone dead and had no idea how to get home. So this is how I started my Sunday. I was supposed to be in Oranmore being table official at my brother Mac's U18 club basketball tournament. The first game was at 10 am which gave me 45 minutes after waking up to find out where I was and how I was getting back to Oranmore. I eventually got a hackney and got to Oranmore at 10:15. It was the ultimate walk of shame. I had to sit in my clothes from the night before all day in front loads of people I know. Can't honestly say I wouldn't do it again. The bits of the night I remember were unreal. Mac's team ended up winning it and are through to the quarter finals in December.

Club K
The following week of college was pretty much the same as the first one, but with a lot less drinking. I attended a lot more lectures this week. They seem to be getting better. I was also elected as a class rep again this year :) Kat invited me to her house on Wednesday for dinner with her boyfriend and housemates before we went out to the gig. It  was a lovely spag bol. We had the craic hanging out then the two of us and her housemate Adam went in to the gig. Once again Cotton Ball Three were brilliant. They even learned the Pokemon theme song because someone had requested it the week before. After the gig we went across to Club K because Georgia Salpa was supposed to be coming in there. Club K is my least favourite Club in Galway. It's small and they always let way to many people in. I was far to sober to be in there that night. People kept spilling drinks on me and it was a disaster of a night. It all started when one of the people I wanted to come to the gig with me couldn't make it. Thank god some friends were out with me or it would have been an ultimate disaster of a night. The DJ started playing songs from bands that I like, Blink 182 and Sum 41, but then Georgia came in so the music was cut while she talked. Then it was bad music again. She is a very pretty person, but she isn't that famous so I didn't see the big deal about her. Kat and I decided we were done for the night and were going to supermacs, but because Georgia was on the stairs no one was allowed to go up to the Cloakroom so we couldn't get my bag with our stuff in it. Eventually we met a nice worker there who used the secret stairs and went up and got my bag. We went to Supermacs and waited for the others and headed back to their house.

I did make it to college the next day for my 9 am class and stayed for the day. It wasn't the worst day with a hangover. Friday was a grand ould day aswell, especially since it was once again spent sleeping. I worked again this Saturday in Kilrush County Clare. It was grand easy day. The shop was big enough and had a lot of stock, but we got it done by about 2 o'clock after starting at 7. Just to keep the weeks similar I went to town again last night for the laugh. I was out with Kerena, Roro, Die, Clard and Hanley. It was actually a good night, Carbon night club (best club in Galway) was unreal and played class music. I was absolutely shattered by the end of it though. As soon as I got home around 4 I fell asleep. Pretty sure I underpayed the taxi driver though, oops. I'm sure he'll find me if I did. He does know where I live after all. Didn't wake up until 1 pm today(Sunday) I was that tired.

And now we are caught up :) Let me know what you think I can do to make the blog better. Am looking forward to another fantastic week of college. I really need to figure out how to be sarcastic via the internet.



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