So at the moment I am reading the book and am going to try to implement some changes in my life and I will be writing about my experiences and about what I think is working or not working (or how I make it work for me) (Obviously not on days that are screen free.) And I hope that it does work for me and that I can maybe inspire someone to take the challenge with me. One change that I am going to put in place straight away is 2 days a week will be healthy vegetarian meals so that I can cut down my meat intake and improve my health. If anyone has anything they do in regular life that they think could be helpful to my goal of becoming, healthier and more efficient, I would really like to hear it and would appreciate the help :) And if anyone else has read the book or is reading it now and wants to set a challenge for me or just tell me how they are getting/got on I would really like to hear from you :)
Stardansheill o7