So today I am looking forward to helping teach first aid in the college again today. Hopefully todays classes are as attentive and well behaved as yesterday :P Ah no, all the students seemed like they wanted to learn and if there were a few that didn't want to be there they didn't disturb the class which was good. It's so cool sitting at the top of the class where my lecturers usually are helping a lecturer teach a class. All the students look at you like you know what you are doing and they show you respect.
It's a great way for the first years to get to know each other because the lecturer gets everyone involved in the class and asks everone their names when she has them up in front of the class.
It's a very social scene. All the students seemed to enjoy it. I did spot a few students that looked a bit nervous at the start and didn't know anyone, but by the end of the class they were getting involved, laughing smiling and talking to others. I was told after we finished the first class that I would have to teach the next class by myself. Needless to say I started to freak out inside.
I knew that I knew the stuff but was worried they wouldn't listen to me because I am so close to there age, or that even though I knew the stuff practically I wouldn't be able to get my point across and they wouldn't understand. I love to teach people, but I always doubt myself and worry about that fact. I can teach people first aid and I have done in the past, but when it is people I don't know and they are staring at me and know nothing about what I teach them, my mind goes into sleep mode and wont come back on. Turns out I only had to teach one part of the course and was right about the class until I just decided that I had to be confident in myself and spoke up and clearly and just got on with teaching them. I wasn't great, but I got my point across and they seemed to learn from me. The lecturer took over a few times because obviously she could see I was nervous and thought I might lose the class. That was one of the most nerve racking things I have ever done, but I think with a bit more notice next time and a bit of practice I would be perfectly fine.
The last group was the biggest group we had all day and they made a lot of innuendo jokes. They were funny but it was supposed to be a serious environment, the odd joke is grand but they laughed at everything that could be turned dirty.
I realise it sounds like I am giving out about them, don't get me wrong they were funny and I get that it is only their second day and they are trying to make friends and set the mood for the year, but they need to realise that they are in college now and not secondary school anymore. There lecturers won't be as easy going as we were. A lot of lecturers crack the odd joke here and there, but not all the time. They are people too and I am sure that if they have a class that is laughing at everything they will soon crack up and get angry at them and maybe through some of them out as examples.
I absolutely love my college, everyone is great craic and lovely people. You seem to be able to make friends with absolutely anyone in the college. Like most of my college friends aren't even in my course lol. There is just so much that happens throughout the college that means you get to meet new people and make friends. This week it is the student helper thing, all the students for that are from all courses across the college and from all the years. When I was on a break between first aid classes I was just wandering chatting with different people I knew and having the craic.
When I got home our broadband box for eircom had arrived as we switched from vodafone to them and I had to connect it because I am the only tech head in my house and apparently it is very hard to connect a few wires lol. I always feel very godly when I complete a simple task like this because I feel like I have total control over all technology and in my house I have the POWER.
Always a good idea to end a blog with a bit of Blasphemy.
Well anyway I've been me and whoever reads this has been you. And I thank you for reading my blog, to me it seems like the ramblings of a crazy man. What do you think? Hope you enjoyed my second blog. For more ramblings, tune in tomorrow, same bat-site, same bat-blog. o7