Today was an absolutely fantastic day (Not sure how to portray sarcasm via this blog :-/ ) I went to sleep last night after posting the blog yesterday with a bit of a tickle in my throat and woke up this morning with a full blown cough :( Thought my immune system was pretty strong but I guess that is just the way the cookie crumbles. I'm guessing it is from lying on the ground outside last night for an hour and a half in just my t-shirt and jeans. Kind of regret being one of the patients that was going to be lying on the ground at Civil Defence last night, but it was still an excellent exercise. I just thought we would have been finished faster. Oh well, I'll be grand in a few days.
Spent the day pottering around the house doing random things, listening to music, and watching Firefly online. I must say the cast is awesome, but the story line is just lacking in something to grab my attention. It just seems rather dull. I love science fiction because I am a massive nerd and I think the show was a brilliant concept and the story line could have been brilliant. There is just that something that I cannot put my thumb on, it just seems to be missing a vital component. Warning, nerd talk alert. The ship which is called serenity is awesome. It wasn't your typical Science fiction spaceship. It was a firefly class ship, see what they did there eh eh :P I have only watched a few episodes so I suppose you could say I can't judge it entirely, but you would expect a show to try and grab the audiences attention in the first few episodes so that it can continue and people will watch it week after week. I am going to finish the series because I love the characters. You never know my opinion might change by the end of the series.

I applied for a job that I thought was a door to door salesman job on Tuesday, but found out this morning that it is one of those stupid pyramid scheme deals and they wanted me to invest 500 euro for my starter kit and get 2 people a month involved and I could apparently make 100,000 euro a year. If only life was that simple and people had that kind of money. So ya, the search continues :/ Hopefully I will find something soon.
We recently switched to eircom as our internet provider and I am loving the music hub. I have spent most of the time I have been listening to music reliving my childhood music taste. Been going between, Aerosmith, The Doors, Blink 182, Linkin Park, The Police, AC/DC, Guns 'N Roses, Lynrd Skynrd, Rush, The Clash, Jam, The Who and many many many others. Absolutely love rock music. So all that music kind of lifted my spirits a bit and made me happy. Nothing like reminiscing on times when life was simpler and the only thing you had to worry about was what stupid thing you were going to do next to get in trouble with your parents to make one happy.
Well anywho I am going to go and try to recover some more so please let me know what you think of my Blog and tell me if there is any way that I can improve it. I would really appreciate it :)
I applied for a job that I thought was a door to door salesman job on Tuesday, but found out this morning that it is one of those stupid pyramid scheme deals and they wanted me to invest 500 euro for my starter kit and get 2 people a month involved and I could apparently make 100,000 euro a year. If only life was that simple and people had that kind of money. So ya, the search continues :/ Hopefully I will find something soon.
We recently switched to eircom as our internet provider and I am loving the music hub. I have spent most of the time I have been listening to music reliving my childhood music taste. Been going between, Aerosmith, The Doors, Blink 182, Linkin Park, The Police, AC/DC, Guns 'N Roses, Lynrd Skynrd, Rush, The Clash, Jam, The Who and many many many others. Absolutely love rock music. So all that music kind of lifted my spirits a bit and made me happy. Nothing like reminiscing on times when life was simpler and the only thing you had to worry about was what stupid thing you were going to do next to get in trouble with your parents to make one happy.
Well anywho I am going to go and try to recover some more so please let me know what you think of my Blog and tell me if there is any way that I can improve it. I would really appreciate it :)
I really hate those pyramid schemes. So annoying.
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