Saturday, 19 May 2012

New things week 18

Ok so I am like a week late with this because of exams and stress and just blah, but trust me when I say that I did this on time. I am still doing one new thing every week and for week 18 I decided to work on some self improvement. I started a swear jar to help me stop swearing because I felt the amount I swore was getting out of hand. I don't want to stop swearing totally, but I want to get a grasp on how often I swear because there are things I do in my life where I am in situations that it is totally inappropriate to swear. So every time I caught myself swear I would put 10c in my swear jar that I am going to donate to charity. Over the week I ended up putting nearly €10 in the jar. I found that the idea of having to put money in the jar helped me swear less.

I decided to be less critical of things around me. I tend to judge to quickly sometimes and don't like that about myself. You never know what something or someone is like until you give it/them a chance. I also decided to just do things instead of arguing with my mother. It saves on so much time and it makes life in general a lot easier. I used to argue with her a lot because I am the eldest and my brother always manages to weasel his way out of jobs and I end up having to do them. But now I realise that I am better off because of all the things I learned to do growing up because of my Mother asking me to do them and my brother wont be as able to fend for himself when he moves out. I know that is a small thing, but it can make a big difference in overall household mood.

I decided to start reading more and watching less television because I used to read a lot and miss doing it. It is also better for my brain. Your brain is a muscle as well and if you don't use it, it will become weak. I always say that I never have the time to do it anymore, but if I watched less tv I would have loads of time. I love to read because it teaches you about loads of things and it expands your imagination, vocabulary and writing ability.

I have an awful habit of not getting up early. I could stay in my bed forever if it were possible. I really love it. So I decided to get up at 8 every morning for the next week at least, and we will see how I get on. I actually got a lot done. All be it I didn't become functional until about 9 when I had breakfast and tea in me. But after that I got a lot of things done. I got all lot more reading done and I also got a lot of the things I needed to do that day done.
Stardansheill o7


  1. Launna5/19/2012

    It is always wonderful when you can do anything to change your attitude, I know as I have changed mine on many levels. I really want to read more, I do read a lot of blogs but I think I should take time to read a novel occasionally. I also think that the swear jar is great, I have quite a bit of control over my mouth... most times. I may implement this one and do what you are going to do, donate the money :) Great post!!

  2. Swear jar... I'd be broke in a week.

  3. Michelle Norton5/20/2012

    I love the swear jar! I need to read more too, I think I'll try cutting out some TV and read more. Thanks for a great post!

  4. You and your swear jar you make me laugh. I'm glad you are only cutting back as we all expect an Irishman to swear occasiionally. You are doing so many good things i canna keep up!

  5. Great post:) it can really send a message to the people to see how they can benefit good from the time and do something useful. Cheers.

  6. Launna6/25/2012

    I have been wondering how you were, I hadn't seen a new post in a long while. Hopefully it is school that is keeping you busy and that you will be free to share a post soon. Just wanted you to know someone was thinking of you:)

  7. naya P.7/01/2012

    That is such a good idea. A swear jar. I can recommend it to some people I know. I hope you keep being consistent with this and keep improving. I am sure you are a great person... Really good post!
