Sunday, 22 July 2012

Progress report

So it has been two months since I posted something, oops. I did not realise it had been that long. I fell behind when it came time to study for my end of year exams and then I was working after that and other stuff came up and I just stopped writing. I have failed my new years resolution to do something new ever week for the year, but I still have other ones to do and I will think of other things to write about. I just thought I should post something on here to get myself back into the swing of things. Thank you to all the people that have contacted me to make sure i was ok since I have been gone for so long. I will catch up on what I have missed and get back to writing ASAP. But for now I am just going to post a song that I recently discovered that I think is excellent. It is about not letting people push you around and always standing up for yourself. Really made me think about my past and how I used to be and how I have changed since then. Still some changes to make but I am getting there :)

Stardansheill o7


  1. Launna7/23/2012

    Hi, so glad you are okay. There is always time to do your challenge at another time. School and work takes up a lot of time, put having a child in the mix, I was working, raising Valentina and taking a course, I had to give up commenting and reading blogs to get through but I am back now, so glad that I passed and my course and free for a bit. So I was thrilled that you had posted again:)

  2. So glad you let us know. How did studies go?
