Sunday, 12 February 2012

New Things Week 5

As part of my new years resolutions I decided to do something new every week that I would never have done before. 5 weeks down and 47 weeks to go and it's going well. A couple of weeks got off to a shaky start because of difficulty coming up with something, but all weeks ended successfully :) 

Attempting to get the needle through
So for the 5th week I decided to see how I look with my ear pierced. Since it may only be temporary I didn't want to pay to have it done so I got my brother to do it for me lol. He has done it to a few people before and never messed it up before. But when he went to do mine he couldn't get the needle to go out the back of my ear so he ended up pushing it through hard and it went in at a weird angle. So when he went to put in the earring itself it wouldn't go through the other side. Between himself, myself and my Mother we spent about twenty minutes trying to get the earring in with absolutely no success and a lot of pain.

After all that pain and effort Cormac had the great idea to use a wider needle as he realised he may have used the wrong sized needle to start off with >-( After using the larger needle he tried to put the earring in again and it eventually went through with a disturbing pop. I went to the mirror to see what it looked like and it turns out it was really swollen so I put ice on it until it went numb and the swelling went down. So what do people think? >>>>>>>>>>>
Leave it in or take it out? Any suggestions for future new things for me to do?
Let me know what you guys think about the blog and what I can do :)
Stardansheill o7


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