So for my 6th week on my new things to do every week resolution I went to footpool located in the Eyre Square Shopping Centre. Only 46 weeks to go. The rest of this year shall be fun. It's basically a place where you stick your feet in a pool of water full of fish that eat all the dead skin off your feet and make it smooth. I was always hesitant about having this done because I never fully understood it, also I was a bit sceptical about it actually working and was worried about the hygiene side of things. But then I heard from loads of people that it worked wonders on their feet and felt awesome after it was done. So I was in town with my brother and we decided to get it done for the laugh. I asked the man about the hygiene side of things and he said that the fish couldn't transfer diseases and you were required to pre rinse your feet before using your own dedicated water pod with the fish in it.

A lot of the fish are tiny and seem to be the ones that work best because I had a fish about the size of a goldfish in it and he didn't seem very hungry because all he did was swim around for awhile and nibble at my feet every so often. It was such a weird feeling. The man said it would be like a bubbling sensation between your toes and at times it was like that, but most of the time it was like someone was scratching at my feet. It didn't hurt at all, but it just felt really strange. It tickled for most of the session and was hard to resist laughing the whole time. It is definitely worth the price you pay. It's €10 for 15 minutes and €20 for 35 minutes, but in all honesty 15 minutes is loads of time and I don't think I could handle the tickling for half an hour. I highly recommend it for anyone that has been thinking about it, or people that may have hard skin on their feet. It really works wonders. All credit for the pictures and video goes to my friend Fintan and my brother Cormac for letting him take the pictures on his iPhone :)
Looking forward to what I do next week. I have already decided, but you will have to wait until I put it up here to find out. I will just say, it is definitely something I would never have even considered doing before. Am quite nervous about it.
Anywhay, hope people are enjoying these blogs and I would really appreciate any feedback people can give me :)
Stardansheill o7
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