So therefore that technically counts and I haven't failed yet :) The rice ball had tuna in the middle of it and was actually nice. Nice you say? I was also surprised by this. I expected it to be kind of horrible. The only place I had ever seen them before was in Pokemon. It was really strange. One of the lads said he kept expecting Brock to walk through the door and make more lol. The event was really good and a lot of fun. We hung around for awhile talking to everyone and having the craic as you do. We eventually went to the Roisin Dubh for more craic and banter accompanied by alcoholic beverages.
Sorry I was so late putting up this weeks post, I was in an internet free zone for the weekend and only got the chance to finish it today. I am doing this weeks new thing tomorrow and it will be the best one so far I think :) All information to follow :) Some of you will figure it out before I put up the blog at the weekend, but oh well.
I would really appreciate anything people can tell me about my blog. i.e how to make it better or anything I should write about :)
Stardansheill o7
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