Wednesday 18 April 2012

Week 15 Day 1

So for week 15 I have decided to do something I have always enjoyed doing, which is write. So I am going to write a new story everyday for the week. I will be uploading them all individually and will probably do a summary post at the end of the week with all the links.

Todays story is going to be about a man by the name of Liam and his hearts desire. Lets begin when Liam was 8 and his teacher asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Liam replied that he wanted to be a time agent. All the students in his class laughed at him and he saw the teacher give a little snicker and a grin before telling him that he had a very vivid imagination, but that time travel isn't real. Little Liam did his best to hold back the tears. Liam loved to read and he had read about time agents loads of times. But what he didn't understand at that age was these books were fiction.

When he got home from school he went to his room and was throwing his books around because he hated them and didn't want to read about time agents or time traveling anymore. While throwing his books around, one of them hit his wall and he looked over and saw a poster he had gotten from his parents for Christmas. He stared at it for what seemed like hours, but was only a matter of seconds.
He decided then and there to never give up on his dream of becoming a time agent, even if he had to invent time travel himself. He placed all his books back on his shelf neatly and started reading a new one. From then on whenever a new teacher or any person asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up he would just tell them he wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor or something. He new though that he always would want to be a time agent, no matter what he had to do.

As the years went by he got on well in school, but was always searching for evidence of time travelers and drawing. Eventually he got to his leaving certificate and had to decide where he wanted to go to college and what he wanted to do. Since he was so interested in time travel and theoretically that involved a wormhole he decided to become a theoretical physics in the hopes of getting a job with cern. He worked hard and got his course in NUIG. He was very interested in everything they were studying in class so did well in all his exams and assignments, but then one day a lecturer started to talk about time travel and einstein's theory of relativity. The lecturer said that according to Einstein it is impossible to travel through time because we cannot move faster than the speed of light. But he also mentioned that Cern were working to make faster than light travel possible. This made Liam even more determined to graduate and work at Cern.

Throughout his College career he had three papers published in major science magazines and went on to get his PHD from MIT. Liam was so determined to make his dreams come through that he never really made many friends or socialised. He however was in no way what you would expect from someone who spent most of their time studying and researching. He was 5'10" with brown hair and blue eyes, and was actually very well built. He played rugby to keep fit and went to the gym 3 times a week. He believed a strong body made for a strong mind. After 8 years in college he applied for a job with Cern and was accepted as an intern. He packed up his life and moved to Geneva. After a few weeks in awe and doing all the work he was asked to do (getting coffee, photo copying and filing. Basic intern stuff at the beginning) he was walking down a hallway looking at everything when bumped into a woman, spilling his papers everywhere. He apolagised and introduced himself. She introduced herself as Eve. She was an average looking woman, with brown hair tied up, blue eyes and wore a pantsuit. She was a very dignified woman when she spoke. She looked at him and said, "You are special Liam and are destined for greatness". She walked away before even letting Liam gather his papers and realise what she had said. After Liam was gathered up the papers he had dropped he turned to follow Eve, but could not find her anywhere.

He spent the next few days asking around about this mysterious woman who had just seemed to have disappeared. No one had any idea who he was talking about Liam began to think he had been working to many hours and was delirious. But he managed to get his hands on a copy of the hallways security footage. Low and behold, there she was clear as day. He let out a sigh of relief that he hadn't gone insane. He checked the next camera on the hallway after she left him and she was nowhere to be seen. There wasn't a single point of exit that she could have used between the two cameras. "OMG, where the hell did she go?" Liam asked before remembering he was alone. His first thought was that his was a massive security breach and he should report it to someone. But then in the back of his mind he could hear the voice of young Liam saying, "What if she is a time traveler sent here to see if you are worthy of joining the ranks." He decided that he wasn't going to tell anyone about this as he didn't really know anyone at Cern well enough to trust them with this and he wanted to find her and find out what she meant when she said he was special.

He would spend hours of a day obsessing about Eve and wondering how and even if he could find her again. After about two months of searching and working he began to think he was indeed insane and should go talk to someone. Cern had their own Councillor on staff so he made an appointment to see them. When he walked in the door of the office the councillor had their back turned to him on the phone. They beckoned for Liam to sit in the chair. All Liam heard of the Councillors side of the phone conversation were mumbles that sounded like yes and no. After the conversation ended the Councillor turned in their chair and Liam practically fell of the couch when he realised that it was Eve that was sitting opposite him. "Ugh? What? How? You?". These were the only things Liam could say in his utter state of shock. "Shhh, we don't have much time", Eve said. "I've come here to tell you about your importance to us" "Who's us?, Liam asked. "I work for a group called the Earth Defence Inter-dimensional Team (EDIT), please no comment on the name. The founder was horrible with names. He named his kids porsche and apple..." "Are you a time traveler", Liam interrupted. "Please Liam, enough interruptions, time is of the essence and I have something very important to tell you. Yes I am a time traveler and I am from the year 4000. I have been sent back here to recruit suitable candidates to become Time Agents like me. EDIT have been watching you for most of your life. We want you to join us in the future to hunt down escaped convicts and other criminals who have used time dilation devices to travel through time to evade capture. We are unable to track them to an exact time as their trail goes cold very fast, but we can usually get within a hundred years or so. Do you understand all this?" "I...I...I. This has been a dream of mine all my life. I will definitely join you in the future and helo capture convicts" Liam answered. "But how will I get there and what will people here think happened to me? And why was I chosen? There are billions of other people to choose from " "Well you can travel with me to the future until we can get you your own time dilation device. And your life here will cease to exist. It will be reported that you were in a car accident and you will be buried back home in Galway. You were chosen because you always believed in time travel and made it one of your hearts desires. You never gave up on your dream and even tried to make time travel possible. You were also chosen because you never made many ties here and wont be leaving much behind. You were a perfect candidate according to all our research", Eve told him.

Liam and Eve both disappeared from the councillors office never to be seen at Cern again. Liams car turned up in a ravine a couple of days later and his death was deemed an accident. There is a headstone with his date of birth and death on it in a Cemetery in Galway City, Ireland. He now travels through time with Eve as his partner hunting down some of the futures most dangerous criminals before they can do anything to alter the timeline of even destroy the earth.

Hope you guys enjoy this story, I know it is quite long winded at the begging and nothing really happens in it, but I hope to expand on it in the future and possibly make it a series, depending on what people thing. I would love to make writing short stories a segment on this blog if people are interested.

Let me know what you thought in the comments below or on my Facebook or Twitter :)
Stardansheill o7


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