Week 15 Day 7
I know it's been a few days since I posted and this is the last story of my new thing week 15. But I have decided that I will probably start posting more than once a week. If I have something to talk about. What do people think? I'm late with this post because I have been going to college all day and then to work straight after. Then practically straight to bed after work. I may get a few minutes on the internet before I fall asleep. So apologies for my absence.

Today I am going to talk to you about hard work and money. As we all know and are told on a regular basis the world is in a horrible state of affairs economically and we all need to tighten our belts. I am from Ireland where it seems that the only people who are having their belts tightened are the regular joes like me, my family, and my friends. I say having out belts tightened because we don't have much of a choice. A lot of people in our Government are earning huge salaries that they don't need, or deserve. Anyway I am going to veer miles away from this because I will only start to rant and nobody wants that, trust me. Since I turned 16 I have been working to earn money when I can. I learned from an early age that money is earned through a hard days work. That's how we earn an honest living.

There was a period of nearly a year and where I was out of work during my Leaving Certificate Exams and then the economy crashed. But when I started in college I started working as a stocktaker for a company that travels around the country to different shops and counts their stock for them. Yes, it is as simple and boring as it sounds. But it is still very tiring, I don't know why. Basically what happens is we are assigned to a shop and someone drives to that shop giving people lifts, but usually we have to start work at the shop at 9 am so this means if we have to travel 3 hours we have to leave at 6 which means we are up at 5 or earlier. It is very tough work in this way. But anyway, this job earns me enough money to get by while living at home, most of the time. I usually get work at the end of the month and can only work weekends so their have been some really quiet months for me. But this month I needed to make some money and needed a lot of work. I was lucky enough that we had a lot of evening jobs coming up, so I could work after college. The down side to this is that I am now working 10 nights straight with 8 college days and 3 exams during them. College being 9-5 most days. But it has to be done right? If I want to be able to buy things and live I need money. That is why I still do this job and it is why I know I will be able to do all the work I have to, no matter how hard it gets.

I amn't trying to gain sympathy by putting this in my blog, I love my job and am so glad to have it. I am just trying to show people that hard work has to be done to earn money and you can't just magic it up. And there are A LOT of people out there that have way harder jobs to do than me and are still barely scrapping by. You would be surprised by the amount of people I have met that think money just appears and never runs out. They seem to burn through it and most of them would never have done a single hard days work in their lives. I guess what I am really trying to say is, that this really is a rant and it pisses me off when people don't realise that they are lucky to have the money they have without having to work for it. We would all love to be rich and do whatever we wanted, but that will never happen.
Anyway, rant over. I hope everyone has a great weekend and tries something new and interesting :)
Let me know what you guys think of my blog, and how I can make it. Oh and follow me if you like it :)
Stardansheill o7
I think we just have to do what we love and the money shows up, that doesn't mean we don't have to work hard, it just means that we totally enjoy the work. I am not wealthy by any means but I never worry about the money as it always shows up when I need it:)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Sometimes I hate my job, but the people I work with make it worth the while. :)
ReplyDeleteDid you try something new and interesting on the weekend? I work hard for the money and I also cannot understand why bank managers etc get such huge salaries. As far as your blog I, personally would like to hear and see more about how you decided to do one new thing a week for the year and what they are and how you are going with raising money for charity.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, bank managers are way way WAY over payed. My two newest weeks are up. Recently they haven't been great things. I have been a bit busy, but I would really love to start doing some brilliant ones. I have been having difficulty coming up with ideas for new things to try. I would really love suggestions from people. Is that cheating?