Week 15. Day 3.
So I am a bit behind on my stories. So I may or not upload two today. This one is going to be a rant. Not about anything specific and it may ramble after awhile so please forgive me. I just feel like ranting lol.
Just look at his face. Enough said. What kind of emotion is that? |
This rant was brought on by the cinema last night. I went to see the Cold light of day. It was supposed to be a dramatic movie that kept your attention the whole time. It was supposed to build tension so the watcher couldn't actually stop watching. But unfortunately this movie was pretty terrible from the very beginning. The camera work was full of off angle shots, unnecessary over the shoulder work and really annoying rotate around the scene shots. The script seemed to be lacking something and the lead actor acted as if he was on shot poorly written half arsed soap. Me and the people I saw it with spent most of the time laughing at the whole thing. They made the trailer look amazing, but that is the only good part about the whole movie. I hate when they do that, they put all the best parts in the trailer and then the movie sucks.

This got me thinking about the future generations on the way home. When I was growing up reading was one of my favourite things to do and I nearly always had a book in my hands. But when my brother got to the age where I started reading technology had become better and he preferred his gameboy to a good book. There is only four years between us.
My parents always told us how important reading is, but it seemed to only stick with me. With the advances in technology that are out there nowadays children would rather play on the computer or on a games console rather than read a book. It actually makes me sad to hear a child say that they hate reading. Reading books keeps the brain active and helps us learn how to have an imagination. It also helps us gain an attention span. Whereas games consoles are designed to be full of action and everything is changing so fast that the person playing only has to keep focus for a short length of time. In the long run this will affect their schoolwork and eventually their working career. If we eventually end up with a generation of people who don't read, then who will right all the novels in the future.
I am an avid fiction and Stephen King fan and I cannot imagine how I would be if I hadn't grown up reading all these sort of books. Or if they hadn't been written at all. I think I wouldn't be able to write the way I do, I wouldn't like the things I do. I would be a totally different person and that scares me. Now don't get me wrong, I am all in favour of technology and advancing the technology I have. And I also play on games consoles, I always have. But it's like anything in the world. The best way to enjoy it is in moderation. No matter how advanced technology gets I will always pick up a book filled with pages rather than read on the computer or a tablet. It's not the same thing. There is nothing better than the smell of a new book or the feel of pages as you read them.

If I ever have kids I will be encouraging them from a young age to read and I wont be letting them play on consoles until I think they are old enough. And I would encourage anyone who reads this to pick up a book and try and read as much as possible. And if you have kids please try and encourage them to read. We need to keep the line of amazing writers going and seeing more amazing books be written in the future. If you think about all the good movies that you have seen that were based on books, the majority of them were amazing. But the books weren't written recently, there are at least a couple of decades old. It's as if writers in hollywood are getting lazy and trying to stick to the whole thing that people have tiny attention spans so something has to blow up or someone has to be in a fight seen every few minutes to keep them from getting bored. Even I do it in my writing. I learned from someone on an old site I used to write on that the best way to keep someone's attention to your post is to add pictures as it breaks up the text. It seemed to work on that sight and I have kept it up and it's part of my blog style now. One movie that I saw recently that was amazing and was based on a book was John Carter. This book was written 100 years ago and is still amazing. I honestly didn't know it was based on a book when I saw the movie and was shocked that it was written 100 years ago. It was so far ahead of even some of todays sci-fi writings.
Ok, so I better stop ranting before I end up writing a rant book. My main point is that we need to promote reading more and not let one of the finest art forms ever created become lazy and boring.
All thoughts or criticisms on this rant are welcome in the comments below.
Stardansheill o7
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