Day 5 of Week 15.
Note: Officially hit 1000 views on this post :) Thank you to everyone who has read my blog and is reading this now :) Hope you enjoy this post.
I apologise in advance if this blog seems very sporadic to anyone. I am just going to write it down and don't want to read over it because I know I will make changes to it and I don't want to do that, because I know my first draft will be exactly what I wanted to say from me.

Change happens around us everyday, not always in ways we can see or feel though. We can see the weather change and feel the wind direction change, but we can't see the change that is happening inside a person. These changes can affect a persons mood or what they decide to like. People believe they cannot control the things that are changing around them. This is partly correct, we cannot change what other people think or how things happen around us. But we can change how we react to them and what we do to make changes in ourselves. To quote the famous ice hockey player Wayne Gretzky, "You miss 100 percent of shots you never take." This can be used in all walks of life, not just sports. If we do not take risks we will never know what could have happened and we wont move forward in life. If you think you deserve a raise, but are afraid to talk to your boss about it, you may never get one unless you work up the nerve to ask for one.

Sometimes changes happen in your life that you never saw coming and you find them really hard to accept. For instance, a long relationship suddenly ending. These changes are always going to be tough to deal with and we have all experienced them at some stage in our lives. It's an inevitable part of growing up. The best way to deal with these changes and any changes really are to always look to the future. The past is history for a reason, it has already happened and there is no reason to dwell on it. There are certain things in life that aren't meant to be at a given time, but they will happen in the future.

There will always be changes that will make us unhappy or sad. But life is like a coin, it has two sides and on the other side of sadness there is happy. There will be changes in life that will make you happy and proud. You may have to work for these changes, but really if you think about it, anything worth working for is worth having. There may also be things in your life that you don't like and have somehow gotten stuck with them, but you can also work to change these things for the better and make yourself happy. Whether it be a change in career or going back to college to get a degree in a career you would like to pursue. Anything in life is possible if you are willing to make the effort to change and make the so called impossible possible.
Basically what I am saying here is that change happens all around us everyday and we can do things to either make it a good change or make it bad for us. Every decision we make changes something. Always keep your dreams alive and try everyday to make them come true. Someone I respect very much once told me that "if you don't ask the question you don't know what the answer will be" Since then if I have a question that could affect the moment in time I rarely hesitate to ask. Sometimes I fear what the answer will be so I hesitate and think about it. But in the end it comes back to the fact that I have no idea what the answer is.
The only thing that never changes is life. Life will never change, life one day begins and on some unknown day it ends. All we can do is make out life the best it can be by taking chances and doing things to make changes work for us.
Stardansheill o7
"But we can change how we react to them and what we do to make changes in ourselves." really agree with this and try everyday. Not opening my mouth first is a good start. You have so much good info all in one post I'll revisit it again and again. P.S. Love your graphics too -
ReplyDeleteI agree with your post, we need to take chances because life is going to change we might as well be open to it. When we close off from change, we are slow to learn the lesson. For myself I have found that the change is usually something good in the long run. Great post:)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! While I was writing it I felt like I was rambling and talking nonsense though. Glad you liked it and thank you for reading :) I try to make changes in my life everyday and stick to them. Come back and visit as often as you like :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I often spend a long time browsing through graphics on the internet looking for the right ones.
Exactly. We wont learn unless we embrace things that happen to us. I find the same thing with me. Good things come to those who wait. Thank you very much! :)
ReplyDeleteI love your post...thanks for adding my blog! :) If I had more time I would probably have more in depth blogs like yours! Change is difficult...coming from lots of change when I was little makes me not very accepting of change now... still have to force ourselves to go through it though, otherwise everything just gets a bit stagnant. Much easier to comlain though! looking forward to more of your posts xxxx