I really have to stop falling behind on these blogs. Had a few assignments over the last couple of weeks and my Aunt got married in Donegal and there is no such thing as the internet where my Aunt lives lol.

For weeks 13 and 14 we were on Easter break from College, but I had study, assignments and work to do around the house. So for week 13 my father and I painted the inside of the house. This is the first time I have ever done this and I really don't recommend working with your parents lol. It can get frustrating and you will always get stuck with the horrible jobs. At times I felt like Mr Bean the time he painted. I got stuck with all the trimmings which was a pain in the ass and very time consuming. We eventually got a good bit of the house painted in the week. There was so much more to be done that we thought. I also had a project due this week that I spent a lot of time on and my usb managed to change the file type to an unreadable type just as I was going to upload it. Totally frustrating and have no way to get it back. GONE forever. It was a total WTF! moment. All in all, a very productive or unproductive week depending on how you look at it.

Week 14 was spent in the land of no internet that is Donegal. We entered this land to attend my Aunts wedding :) So it was really worth it to be honest. The wedding was a beautiful ceremony and the reception was great craic all together. There was a lot of drunk relatives that are much more fun in that capacity. But for my new thing for the week I said a Prayer of Blessing in front of everyone in the church. I have never done much public speaking, especially not in front of that big a group of people. It was quite nerve racking since I didn't know many of the people. I had been suffering from a bit of a sore throat and when I got up on the alter I had a frog in my throat so I sounded a bit funny. Once I got up there I had no problem at all and didn't mess up lol. Once the pictures are put up online I will upload a few to here.
Once again, sorry for the delay. Don't hold it against me please :P Thank you for reading :)
If anyone has any suggestions for new things to do I would really love to hear them :)
I want to give a big thank you to everyone that reads my blog. It really makes me smile to see people are interested. Would love to hear from any of my regular viewers and see what they think.
Stardansheill o7
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