So my weeks have started overlapping and it's getting confusing for me. I feel like I am missing a week, but since I put them up here every week I clearly amn't lol. But I have gotten the overlapping under control and all will return to normal with this entry. To get it back to normal I am doing a blog with two weeks in it rather than one.

So for this week I decided to become a vegetarian for the week. I have absolutely no idea why I decided to do this. I swore that I would never give up meat. It's not very often I would have a meal that doesn't include some form of meat. Mainly just breakfast, pizzas and the odd pasta dish. But since this is all about doing things I said I would never do I decided to try it and see how I got on. It was definitely one of the hardest weeks so far, if not the hardest one. I started on Tuesday and I found the first few days handy enough and the food was pretty good. But then I started to notice that I needed to eat more during the day because my appetite had increased. By Friday whenever I smelled meat it made me miss it. I also noticed that every time I was making my dinner I was thinking about what meat I could add to the dish to make it complete. It was a really interesting week and I enjoyed all the meals I made.

Tuesday: I made vegetable stir fry with noodles in Chinese Hoisin and Garlic sauce. I used baby corn, carrots, onions, courgette, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, mangetout, and cashew nuts. It was lovely and all the vegetables in the pan created a lovely smell before I even added the sauce. The sauce was a nice, but I wouldn't buy it again. It wasn't exactly a taste that would appeal to me too much. I thought it smelt like ginger and had a strange after taste. I just couldn't put my finger on what exactly it tasted like, but it was still really nice. I'd never really had courgette and never really new what it tasted like and was wary to eating it because I didn't know whether I would like it or not. But after trying it, it was nice, when stir-fried anyway.
Wednesday: I made Pasta Provencial. I made the sauce on Sunday though, as it can be frozen and heated up straight out of the freezer and added to pasta. The sauce takes a couple of hours to make, so it is easier to make it in multiple batches. 1 batch can be used in one spaghetti bolognase to feed four and it's delicious. I much prefer it to jars of sauce and actually don't eat the jars anymore.

Thursday I made bonadia, which is a vegetarian pasta dish. I have made this before and I really enjoy this dish. It is definitely one that anyone who enjoys pasta and is looking for something new to try should make. You can add whatever veg you want to it and it will be lovely. Friday and Saturday I had vegetarian lasagna for lunch in college and for dinner at home lol. I know in the picture below it doesn't look very nice, but that is because the camera on my phone is horrible and it fell apart when I tried to take it out of the dish. But to be honest it was delicious and I now have another dish that I will be making more often. It was quite a large dish of lasagna so that is why it lasted two days.

Monday and Tuesday which was my final day I had a lovely vegetarian stir-fry in sweet and spicy chilli sauce. I made enough to last the two days because I was going to be home late on Tuesday evening and it was easier to make it Monday night rather than have to make it late on Tuesday evening. The sweet and spicy sauce was lovely. All in all the week was very interesting and I discovered some lovely new meals and interesting sauces to add to stir-fry's. I wouldn't do that week again though. I found myself getting very tired and being more hungry during the day than when i had a meal with meat in it.
So for week 12 I learned how to Iron. It was something I had been meaning to do for a long time. I know it isn't that great, but it was my something new to do for the week and I was successful with it. So I am still going. 12 weeks down and only 40 to go. It's getting tough to get new things to do. Anyone got any suggestions?
Stardansheill o7
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